


作者:bian 发布时间:2023-12-13 13:34:20点击:181

640 (2)冬天光伏发电的确会受到一些因素的影响,但总体来说并不会影响光伏发电的效率。


640 (3) 如果说高温下的光伏电池板过热、效率下降是夏季光伏发电的一个影响因素的话,那么冬季光伏发电的效率下降主要有以下几点原因。

1. 日照时间减短:冬季白天短夜长,光照时间相对短暂。光照时间减短意味着光线照射的时间变短,造成光伏电能产生量减少。

2. 温度影响:光伏电池板的温度会影响组件的效率。夏季高温时效率会减少,冬季由于天气较为寒冷,光伏组件的表面温度却显著减少,根据光伏电池的电特性理论分析可以得出,随着温度的降低,每个太阳能单元产生电能的效率反而增高。

3. 气象条件差:在天气恶劣的情况下,如大雪天气,将会严重影响光伏电力系统的发电效率。


640 (4)



If the overheating and efficiency decline of photovoltaic panels under high temperatures are one of the influencing factors of summer photovoltaic power generation, then the main reasons for the efficiency decline of winter photovoltaic power generation are as follows.

1. Shortening of sunshine duration: In winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer, and the sunshine duration is relatively short. Shortening the illumination time means that the duration of light exposure becomes shorter, resulting in a decrease in the amount of photovoltaic energy produced.

2. Temperature effect: The temperature of photovoltaic panels can affect the efficiency of the components. During high temperatures in summer, efficiency decreases, while in winter, due to colder weather, the surface temperature of photovoltaic modules significantly decreases. According to the theoretical analysis of the electrical characteristics of photovoltaic cells, it can be concluded that as the temperature decreases, the efficiency of each solar cell in generating electricity actually increases.

3. Poor meteorological conditions: In severe weather conditions, such as heavy snow, it will seriously affect the power generation efficiency of the photovoltaic power system.
